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Resources for Adolescent and Young Adults

Page Compiled by Elephants and Tea



With social distancing in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to make sure we provide you, the cancer community, with resources to keep you all informed on the latest with COVID-19 and online support groups from Elephants and Tea and the fantastic organizations we partner with.

COVID-19 Informational Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19

World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Outbreak



Stories from AYA cancer community

Click here to read stories from the AYA cancer community and dealing with COVID-19 – coronavirus.


Webinars about COVID-19 and Cancer Patients

Virtual Hangouts and Digital Meetups


Netflix PartiesDear Jack Foundation presents Netflix Parties

Join Dear Jack through your Netflix account and Google Chrome to enjoy a show while chatting with friends! Try something new or revisit an old favorite as we watch the first episode of popular shows together!

  • Schitt’s Creek – Thursday, 3/26 at 5pm (PST),

  • Ozark – Saturday, 3/28 at 6pm (PST)

  • The Great British Bake-Off – Tuesday, 3/31 at 7pm (PST).


Please email for more information!

Wellness and Mindfulness Resources

We have been in the process of rolling out free, drop-in video conference based mindfulness classes starting the first week of April, and now due to social distancing, the timing couldn’t be better. If you want to start or strengthen your mindfulness practice, please consider attending some of these video-conference based classes, taught by some of TNT’s amazing mindfulness guides.

Join Colin aka “Wingman” Epic Experience’s camp director on a walk right out front your door. We want you to know that Mama Lou & Wingman are thinking about each and everyone of you during this trying time. We are constantly aware of the every changing impact of the Corona Virus and will make sure that all of our decisions made for our community are putting you first.

Ladies AND GENTLEMEN, join us for a quick lesson in Ballroom Dancing. Epic Experience is committed to keep us engaged and moving during this Corona Virus pandemic. Whether you are joining as a single or coupled up, everyone can learn a few basic ballroom dances. You may think you have ‘two left feet’ and cannot dance but I can promise that you’ll enjoy learning the basics. We’ll be starting with swing then adding waltz, foxtrot and polka depending on our quarantine weeks!

“Bugaboo” Piper Gould comes to you from Denver Colorado. She is an alumni camper of Epic Experience from summer 2019 and a volunteer. She will teach a virtual yoga class ending in a guided meditation on various dates. This will be beginner level and we hope you and your family will join us as we practice social distancing while keeping healthy during these times! Join This Zoom Call –



Share the Love:  Dear Jack Foundation’s Virtual Letters with Love Program

Dear Jack is working to combat the increased worry and isolation our young adult cancer warriors are going through and we would love your help! We invite you to participate in our virtual Letters with Love campaign. Please visit us on Facebook and Instagram for ways that you can participate!

Dear Jack Foundation’s Spotify Playlist
In an effort to make social distancing a little less distant, Dear Jack is looking to compile a playlist of songs to make life a little more bearable. Our goal is an amazing playlist to share with our warriors. Please visit us on Facebook and Instagram and comment with your favorite quarantunes!



LLS Blog

Online Support Groups and Chats

LLS Online Chats

LLS Community and Support

Cancer Support Helpline from the Cancer Support Community – Toll free hotline and online chat

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